Max/Msp Externals

Extend the capabilities of the Max/Msp programming environment.

With the power of lower-level languages such as C/C++, we expand the repertoire of objects available to Max programmers, enabling them to create more diverse and advanced functionality.

Included filetypes:

  • .mxe64 - external compiled for Windows
  • .mxo - external compiled for Mac
  • .maxhelp - related Max helpfile


A Max external officially published by 11OLSEN.DE is freely available for use and redistribution in any project, regardless of its commercial nature. However, it is required that any derivative works based on its source code remain open-source if distributed.


Put the unzipped folder into the search path of Max/Msp. When updating an external, overwrite the existing files or make sure that you don't have multiple versions in the search path. In case of a quarantine warning on a Mac, permit Max to remove the quarantine flags and proceed.

11vstwindow 2024/01/09

Extend the Max [vst~] object with some features.

11UILayer 2023/09/23

A multipurpose UI object.

11showfiles 2023/03/26

Reveal files in Explorer / Finder. 2022/05/24

Some tools related to the Ableton Live app.

11globalForegroundWindow 2022/03/10

Get and set the SYSTEM-WIDE foreground app / window.

11dragfiles 2022/04/01

Drag files from Max.

11ffload~ 2023/05/14

Load many audio formats into a buffer~.

11nocturn 2022/02/02

Connect with the Novation Nocturn USB device.

11clicks 2022/01/30

Simulate mouse input. Create clicks, cursor movement or wheel movement programmatically.

11strokes 2022/01/30

Simulates keyboard input and sends it to the currently active window.